
Exhibited Programs


The Colours of China

色彩是中华文明的精神胎记和华彩外衣,蕴藏着中华民族千百年来积淀的情感智慧,代表着中华大地的大美河山,也承载着中国人独特的文化记忆。 Five colours resonate through every layer of traditional and modern Chinese life representing emotional, physical, spiritual and directional forces. Chinese Odyssey is a 50mins x 3episode TV documentary that follows three French hosts into nine once poverty-stricken areas which people may know little but have thrived under the rural revitalization program. le from all walks of life: folk artist, staff of national forest park, private entrepreneur, opera troupe lea


Chinese Odyssey

节目将跟随外国主持人前往中国各地,寻找中国特色产品、体验乡村旅游胜地、遇见当地奇妙生活,以国际化的表达方式向世界观众介绍中国乡村的发展变化和独特魅力。 Chinese Odyssey is a 50mins x 3episode TV documentary that follows three French hosts into nine once poverty-stricken areas which people may know little but have thrived under the rural revitalization program. Chinese Odyssey is a 50mins x 3episode TV documentary that follows three French hosts into nine once poverty-stricken areas which people may know little but have thrived under the rural revitalization program. le from all walks of life: folk artist, staff of national forest park, private entrepreneur, opera troupe lea


Our Dreams, Our Homeland

本片讲述了生活在中国辽阔大地上,不同背景、不同民族的中国人追求梦想的故事。 The documentary shares stories of Chinese people from different backgrounds and nationalities living in the vast expanse of China in pursuit of their dreams. In six years of recording, this documentary has followed and shot 10 groups of people, with footage from all over the country, from the fishermen in Shi Pu Fishing Port to the FAST researchers in Guizhou Ping Tang, from the Tibetan border primary school teacher to Xinjiang-Hetian-Ruoqiang Railway commander... They are from all walks of life, with small but great dreams, creating a new home with full passion. Their journey of chasing dreams has become a magnificent epic of China's development in the past decade.


Snow Wonder

《粉雪奇遇》以文化为核心,粉雪为媒介,友谊为桥梁。中法两国滑雪运动达人分别前往对方国   Snow Wonder tells stories through cultural exchanges, snow sports and friendship. A Chinese top snowboarder visits ski resorts in Savoie, France. Two world-class


The Great Wall With Ash Dykes

国际合拍纪录片《徒步长城》节目邀请国际著名主持人阿什·戴克斯沿着长城开启徒步旅行,  geography of the area and its history, as well as taking on a white knuckle, adrenaline fuelled activity. As a brand program created by CICC ,bilibili and Discovery Channel, the third season of "Smart China" has officially started. This season will focus on the country's top scientific research projects, such as aerospace, quantu


Zero Carbon Road

摄影师Sean Gallagher和野生动物保护主义者Terry Townshend在中国各地与那些通过绿色创新应对环境挑战的人们见面。 Environmental Photographer Sean Gallagher and Wildlife Conservationist Terry Townshend travel across China to meet the people who are tackling some of our biggest environmental challenges through green innovations.


Silk Road Delicacies — Rice: Unearthed

纪录片以“稻米”这一丝路沿线重要的食材为叙事的线索和连接点,展现中国的稻米种植技术、饮食习惯以及优秀文化对东南亚和中东地区产生的深远影响。 The documentary series Silk Road Delicacies takes “rice”, an important food material along the Silk Road, as the clue and connection of the narrative, showing the excellent culture on Southeast Asia and the Middle East regions.


Extreme China

国家地理探险家兼摄影师本·霍顿与三位中国新时代探险家组成团队,踏上一段惊险刺激的极限旅程。National Geographic explorer and photographer Ben Horton teams up with three Chinese new-era explorers on extreme adventures As a brand program created by CICC ,bilibili and Discovery Channel, the third season of "Smart China" has officially started. This season will focus on the country's top scientific research projects, such as aerospace, quantu


In China: Mission SOJOURNey

邀请来自马来西亚、美国、瑞士的名人嘉宾与国内明星嘉宾一起,以“民宿”为切入点,共同完成一次中西方文化元素结合的全新艺术创作。 In China: Mission SOJOURNey invited celebrity guests from Malaysia, the US and Switzerland to join Chinese celebrity guests in groups to visit characteristic homestays in provinces including Hainan, Jiangsu and Guangxi, so that they could draw inspiration from traveling and jointly complete a new artistic creation combining both Chinese and Western cultural elements.


How I Define China

为展现中国发展,对外塑造良好国家形象,五洲传播中心制作了新媒体短视频系列《理解中国》。该系列将聚焦在中国工作生活的外籍 To show China's development and build a good national image to the outside world, CICC produces a new media short video series "How I


Through the Seasons: China

节目借助无人机航拍视角,以二十四节气为时间线索,从初春雪中野化训练的熊猫饲养员,到清 China was formed by one of the greatest dramas in Earth geological history: the crashing of the Indian sub-continent into the Asia continent. It began 35 m


Tracing Heritage III

《记住乡愁》国际版第三季以黄河为主题,英籍华裔主持人何天然发现沿河两岸人民世代繁衍生 The Yellow River is China's second longest river, flowing across the entire country. The great river has breathed life into ancient civilizations, provided a conduit for the emergence of tr


Traditional Chinese Medicine

中医药作为中华民族的瑰宝,是中华优秀传统文化的代表性符号,是中国对世界文明的贡献。《东方医学》通过国际视角聚焦中医药主题, Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on Chinese medicine from an international perspective, and uses modern science to interpret the principles of it.


Kong Fu

该纪录片首次深度拜访武林门派,以香港功夫明星向佐和95后八极拳掌门吴昊为第一视角          This trilogy of documentary digs deep into the core of kung fu and its most practical forms as seen in theatres



位于非洲内陆的南苏丹共和国,常年的内乱让人民颠沛流离。2014年,中国派遣了700名维和士兵前往南苏丹,履行国际职责,实现大国担当。 In this episode, the cameras are embedded with the infantry battalion as they first take on the role as Peacekeepers. Arriving in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, they first make construct their new base within the United Natio


Wild China With Ray Mears

《米尔斯探秘生态中国》以中国生态文明建设作为切入点,通过主持人米尔斯对不同地区的秘境探寻,带领观众感受中国的自然生态之美, Ray Mears explores seven different Chinese landscapes including lush rainforest, high plateaus, limestone karsts and dramatic mountains. He discovers the awesome wildlife that thrives there from pandas, snow leopards,


China Icons

节目以各行各业的普通中国人为拍摄对象,他们中有民间艺术家、国家公园工作人员、民营企业家、剧团团长、茶农、导游、民宿餐厅管理人 The program targets ordinary Chinese people from all walks of life: folk artist, staff of national forest park, private entrepreneur, opera troupe lea


Ancient China From Above

《星空瞰华夏》由五洲传播中心联合美国国家地理频道、英国Wild Blue Media共同制作。节目由美国考古学家艾伦·马卡担任主持人,他与中 Archaeologist Dr Allan Maca leads a team of intrepid experts on an epic adventure to solve mysteries, explore secrets and reveal amazing wonders of Ancient China like never before. Guided


Smart China: Frontier of Science

《智慧中国:前沿科学》一共三集,以中国前沿科学为核心,每集侧重一个主题,通过国际主持人的采访,生动串联起不同科学领域的建设发展 As a brand program created by CICC ,bilibili and Discovery Channel, the third season of "Smart China" has officially started. This season will focus on the country's top scientific research projects, such as aerospace, quantu


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  • 城市夜景